Performances at DanceWorks Performing Arts


Welcome to DanceWorks Performing Arts new blog. Over the past year we have started posting more information about all that goes on in our dance studio here in Vancouver, WA. Since then, we have had other friends and studio owners around the county asking for more information about what we do and more importantly why we choose to implement those choices at our studio. Although we wont be able to cover all topics, questions or personal matters, we can help communicate to our families and other studio owners why we make the decisions we do and how we believe it helps our dancers grow. If there are any topics you would like us to talk about, please drop us an email and we would love to give you our opinion. All studio owners know how busy schedules are day to day, so with that in mind, our goal is to post every couple of weeks. We will also include posts from our teachers with topics they feel are important to a dancers development. We look forward to communicating with you!

-Chris Cannon Director of Operations